A Drive Around The Square in December [VID]

A quick drive around the Square, with Xmas regalia in full bloom. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays folks..

Oxford Mississippi Square December 2009 on Vimeo.

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  1. I like the video Peter!

    Can’t get enough of this town, great place to live!


    • thanks man..

      saw your site.. looks like you and I have something in common (ppc, design, seo, etc..)

  2. Wow! Thanks so much! What a great gift of super video and an amazing song! I miss Oxford a great deal and vids like that sure help!

  3. Peter:

    Thanks for the memories. Great site. It is good to see Neilson’s is still going strong. I still have great memories of growing up in Oxford (1950′s). Used to live at the end of South 10th Street, a dead end gravel road, back then. One memorable Oxford moment was seeing the filming of “Home from the Hills” with Bob Mitchum right on the square! It was also pretty extraordinary to bump in to William Faulkner at the Piggly Wiggly or have him ride on horseback by the house out to the pastures. My mother was scandalized at the fact that he would ride “bare chested”. He was always courtious and usually accompanied by his stable man. He may have been eccentric, but he did allow us to play on his property up at the gullies as long as we did not spook his horses. Long time ago.

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