The 5 Twelve B&B @ 512 Van Buren

First and foremost, the Oliver Britt House is no more. And it hasn’t been knocked down for more condos (thank goodness).. It simply changed names.

The new name is ‘The 5 Twelve’, as in 512 Van Buren Ave. In addition to the name, the place has undergone an impressive renovation. One we thought we’d share with everyone, as we particularly like this inn, due to it’s amazingly close location to the Square(a few blocks), as well as the University.

High level, the inn offers 6 rooms, features 12 ft ceilings, full breakfast, an amazing (new) brick patio, a wraparound porch, and one immensely hospitable Innkeeper, Ilene.

The atmosphere and feel of the new inn is, quite honestly, unlike anything Oxford has had before – and that’s a good thing. The feel, in my opinion, is a mix between old South and the W hotel. Clean lines and polished rooms inside a great historical home (I need to do an Oxford Time Machine on this place, really).

The 5 Twelve Bed & Breakfast
512 Van Buren Ave.
Oxford, MS

Take a peek, enjoy.. see what you think:


photo credit: Derek Moreton

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  1. Hey, my family stayed there for my wedding back in ’02 > and they loved it then > looks a little nicer now!

  2. Another interesting note – The 512 rooms incorporate fabric (curtains & bedding) from another local store, marimekko. See our previous post:

  3. Have to admit, I’m an Oxford “old-timer,” if you can call 35 old. Plus I live in Starkville now, which for some folks would mean automatic revocation of my “Native Oxonian Membership.” This post made me a little bit sad at first, and brought up memories of fancy dinner dates before OHS prom and graduation parties. But it’s nice to know that though the name “Oliver Britt” is gone, the structure and gardens remain, while the new interior is elegant yet contemporary. Good job!

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