Summer Job Ideas for Ole Miss Students
A few suggested ideas for all the Ole Miss undergrads struggling to determine what to do with their upcoming summer.
Summer Camps
Bossing kids around all summer is a surprisingly fun way to earn a paycheck.. And camps tend to have a more laid back, relaxed feel than a typical summer job. If you’re leaning this route, I’d suggest finding a camp in a mountainous area – that way you’ll skip the brutal heat of July & August.. One suggested camp is Camp Carolina in Brevard, NC.
Dude Ranch
Dude Ranches actively hire during the summer period for jobs ranging from housekeeping, bakers, kitchen assistants, waiters, and ranch hands. The sweet catch here – on your days off, you can enjoy all the amenities the guests enjoy – the views, fly fishing, hiking, horseback riding, etc. A site we own and operate,, lists nearly 200 ranches across the U.S. and Canada for those interested in running some research.
Organic Farm
Daniel over at Music in the Hall turned me on to the fantastic documentary ‘Food, Inc.’ a few months back, and it’s altered my entire view on the food industry (in a good way).. If I was an undergrad right now, I’d poke around for a local organic farm looking for extra hands during the summer period. That way, you’d be able to further help support the organic movement, and learn a darn good bit about farming at the same time. The site Local Harvest does a great job listing local farmers across the entire nation.
Intern at a TV Station
For students plugging away within the Department of Journalism, reach out to the plethora of Ole Miss grads in the current workforce regarding potential internships/summer jobs at their local stations. The alumni base out there is darn impressive, and you’d have an immediate advantage as an Ole Miss grad during the hiring process. Alums I can think of off the top of my head: Bob Waters – Morning & Noon Anchor at NBC affiliate KWWL in Iowa (what up Bob!); Sharyn Alfonsi – ABC News correspondent in New York; and – of course – who could forget Shepard Smith – host of The FOX Report and ‘Studio B with Shepard Smith’. Now, these folks might not have openings, but chances are, they’ll know someone who might…
Summer jobs are a great opportunity to develop further experience in your chosen Major, or to dance around your intended career path and test the waters on alternate fields. Me? I chose the summer camp route while in school, and still have many many fond memories from those days… is another great resource for summer jobs. Listings can be found in national parks, state parks, resorts, jobs on the water, resort jobs, guide jobs and many more categories. If you have a minimum of 90 days to spend working at a summer job, you’ll have a good shot of getting hired. Best of luck!
another great suggestion.. thanks Kari..