619 Van Buren – Theora Hamblett House [OTM]
Oxford Time Machine (aka. OTM) highlights ‘then-and-now’ photos of the surrounding community. It’s a hobby project of ours : )
More on Theora’s accomplished art career can be found here, as well as samples of her work here.
My wife LOVES Theora Hamblett art. If anyone has any to sell (yeah, right) PLEASE email me.
I am still looking to buy and Theora Hamblett’s works. Please email me if you have any or know of someone who is interested in selling. Thanks.
My, now deceased mother in law, left me Aunt Theora’s painting “Going Home”. This painting was given to Mary Elizabeth Dyer by Aunt Theora many years ago. I believe that Mrs. Dyer whose maiden name was Mary Elizabeth Ragland, Paris, MS was a cousin to Theora. I also have correspondence between the ladies.
I am a distant relative of Theor Hamblett. In fact my father has one of her paintings in his house now. I’m just now looking into the relationship(s), but I think that Theora was an aunt to my father. I would LOVE to see what you have.
I think I have heard of this painting. Would you ever consider selling it? Thanks so much for even responding to me!