The Great Pumpkin
“I’ll find the perfect pumpkin patch that is really sincere and I’ll sit in that pumpkin patch until the Great Pumpkin appears. He’ll rise out of that pumpkin patch and he’ll fly through the air with his bag of toys. The Great Pumpkin will appear and I’ll be waiting for him! I’ll be there! I’ll be sitting there in that pumpkin patch and I’ll see the Great Pumpkin. Just wait and see, Charlie Brown.”
Oxford’s Halloween festivities begin as early as September each year. St. Peter Episcopal Church’s annual pumpkin sale began September 30 and will continue until Halloween evening.
The Episcopal Church sells a variety of pumpkins each year to support youth and children activities. “The event typically brings in over $16,000 for the youth ministry program,” said Associate Rector, Laura Gettys.
Ole Miss Law student, Kathleen Lyons toured the patch that has been the home of thousands of pumpkins since the end of September. “I think this is a great idea to support the youth in the community,” said Lyons.
The event is drawing to a close, seeing less and less orange everyday. Easton and Emma Wilson surveyed each pumpkin carefully to pick the perfect one for their family jack-o-lantern. “We want a big one and little one, and we’re trying to find one without any bumps on it,” the Taylor residents said.
St. Peter’s and its pumpkin patch is located at 113 South 9th Street, right off the square in Oxford, Miss.
photo credit: Rachel Smith; photo of: her nephew : )